What's The Story?
The story is very simple; it's a bunch of people trying to help our lead character write his musical. Dull hey? Well it would be, if our characters were not such wildly different individuals - strong personalities with extraordinarily different ways of interpreting their environment and experiences.
Whilst none of the characters are identified as being neurodivergent in the musical - audience members with Autism, ADHD, OCD, Dyslexia and other superpowers might recognise themselves in the protagonists.

The overview - The show starts with the lead character sat at a grand piano centre stage. He excitedly tinkles away experimenting, mostly amusing himself as he thunders the low end, tickles the high end and laughs at the dissonances created by his clumsy fingers. The 'overture' builds, out of control ,louder, busier, chaotic, some might say overwhelming but it builds to a broad assault on the senses. As the music ends, the scream of a traumatised person cuts through and a heated discussion reveals how one man's craving for MORE is a source of pain and overwhelm for another. The mission - to write a musical - envelops a disparate bunch of humans, each with their own skills and strengths but they will only succeed when they can work together and begin to understand each other's perception of the world around them (oh, and remembering that they have a rich pop star friend helps too). By the time they realise they can do it, it's already done!
Still in the earliest stages of conception - you can hear some basic insights into 'The Overture', '20 second song' and 'The Brain' in this 3 minute audio.
The Overture features the lead character experimenting at the piano, and gradually becomes something much larger.
20 second song is an insight into the difficulty of trying to focus .... hmm, it's actually longer than 20 seconds because of the voice before and the sound of the head hitting the desk afterwards, but essentially ...as I was saying, trying to focus on what somebody is saying to you if your mind is prone to distractions.
The Brain is a song by the brain - (who'd have thought it?). This brain is constantly hungry for new sources of dopamine, much to the annoyance of its' owner.
MUSICAL! The Musical
The story - is yet to be written, but you can be sure it's going to be fun, funny, enlightening, entertaining, musical (obviously) marvellous, in addition to lots of other non-alliterative adjectives.